Latest Flocknotes

29 September 2011

28 September 2011

26 September 2011

PTA Meeting Reminder
Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday September 27th at 7:00 PM in conference room B. ALL are welcome!! See you tomorrow!!"
This week sees the return of our restored, original stained glass window at the front of the church facing Granville Street. The crew will also be installing new storm coverings on the windows. This means there will be some heavy machinery at the front and sides of the church. The crew will be taping off their danger areas with CAUTION tape, please do not enter these areas. This is extremely important for your safety and the safety of the workers. Thank you!

Also don’t forget St. Francis will hold their The Implementation of the new Roman Missal workshop Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7PM in Johnson Hall. Fr. Patrick Toner, Pastor of St. Joseph Church, Plain City will present the subject of The Mass as the Word of God proclaimed in word and deed. Light refreshments will be served. Fr. Toner is a member of the Ad hoc Committee on the Implementation Translation of the Roman Missal. For more information, please call Fr. Bob Penhallurick at St. Francis (740) 345-9874 ext. 202.

22 September 2011


The St Francis Family Yard sale is being held on Saturday and Sunday, Oct 1 & 2 and we really need your help to make this a great first year event. Opportunities are also available on Friday for set up.

If you would like to sign up to work and receive school volunteer hours, please click here: ONLINE VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET.

This link will take you to an online volunteer sign-up sheet. At the bottom of the spreadsheet there are tabs set up for each day we need volunteers. Simply click on one of those tabs and view which slots are still available.

From there, type your name in a BE PLEASE BE SURE TO HIT SAVE! Go to File, then click on Save.

16 September 2011

Attention 5th and 6th grade cheerleaders:

Sunday’s game will be held at Heath High School. Please be at the high school by 12:15 so that we have time to warm up before the game which starts at 1. The White squad will not be cheering this weekend.

Remember, cheer practice for 5th and 6th grade will be held on Tuesday from 5 to 7:30at St. Francis. Please meet in the parking lot near the gym.

Thank you, Cindy Myers and Deborah Pegher

15 September 2011

Weekly Word
Family Yard Sale

Saturday, October 1th 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Half Price Sale)

Help us raise money for the tuition fund and get great stuff at the same time.
The gym will be filled with gently used adult & children’s clothing, household goods, kitchen items, furnishings, toys, sporting goods...and much, much more!

Volunteers Needed All Shifts!
Earn School Volunteer Hours
Contact Traci Hogue via email:

Click Here for Flyer

14 September 2011

Tomorrow, parents can pickup students attending the funeral in the Cafeteria at 10am.

13 September 2011

Cub Scout Pack 8

In honor of Michael Wise and out of respect for the Wise family we will postpone our Pack Meeting which was to be held this Thursday, 15 Sep. The Pack Meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, 29 Sep 6:30.
God Bless,
Dave Burd
The letter that went home with students today regarding the 'honor guard' at the funeral on Thursday should have read: 'For students in grades THREE - 8 who are NOT attending the funeral.'


Congratulations to our Cross Country team for their second place finish at
the West Virginia, Chick-Fil-A Invitational Meet. The team had three girls
finishing in the top 10 overall. They were Tierra Tooill finishing in ninth
place, Kat Bowman finishing in eighth place and Lauren Fischer winning the

Cross Country practice has been cancelled for Wednesday, 9/14.

Generations is our annual parish stewardship commitment program. Each year we celebrate volunteerism, our opportunity to minister; we invite all to make a commitment of time, talent and treasure to St. Francis for the coming year. Volunteers are needed to serve on this committee and to follow up with fellow parishioners by phone to encourage their participation. Please contact John Mazzone at or 366-5910 if you would like to be a part of this exciting committee! Generations – Honoring our past…Investing in the future!

12 September 2011

Parent Letter 09-12-11

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk

Learn to communicate more effectively with your child to increase cooperation and self-esteem. A six-part series offering skills for parents and caregivers will be held Thursdays, September 15, 29, October 6, 20, November 3 and 17, 2011 from 7 – 9 p.m., at St. Edward the Confessor Parish, 785 Newark-Granville Rd., Granville, OH 43023. Advance registration is required. Fee is $30/couple or $25/individual; financial assistance is available. For more information and to register, call the Marriage and Family Life Office at (614) 241-2560 or e-mail
See flyer here.

Cheer practice for the 5th and 6th grade squads has been cancelled for the week. The coaching staff will contact the Green squad with information regarding their game next weekend. Thank you, Cindy Myers and Deborah Pegher

11 September 2011

Our hearts go out to the Wise family tonight. The staff has met this evening and we want to assure our families that we have taken steps to support the students during this difficult time. Fr. Bob and I will be visiting the classrooms in the morning to talk to the children and answer questions they may have. The teachers are prepared to do the same. We will have counselors available during the day if any student or parent feels the need to talk further. Our goal is to listen to the students, empathize with what they are feeling, and help them to move forward in the 'safe routine' of their school day.

We will be posting additional resources for families that may need more assistance in the coming days. More information will be sent home tomorrow.

09 September 2011

Lunches for the Week of September 12th have been changed from the posted menu to the following items:

Monday 9/12: Orange Chicken w/ Brown Rice, Apple, Popcorner

Tuesday 9/13: Cheese Pizza Dippers w/ Marinara Sauce, Salad, Pineapple Cup, Goldfish Crackers

Wednesday 9/14: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Peach Cup, Peas, Cookie

Thursday 9/15: Popcorn Chicken w/ Potato Fun Shapes, Honeywheat Pretzel, Mixed Fruit Cup

Friday 9/16: French Bread Pizza, Green Beans, Pear Cup, Cookie

08 September 2011

The Weekly Word 9-08-11
Candy Bar Reminder: Candy bar payments are due by Sept. 16th. We still have bags of candy available. If you would like to sell more candy bars please send a note to the office and we will fill your request. Thank You, Maribeth Peddicord

07 September 2011

Attention 5th Grade Families:
Last call for strings! If there are any students interested in strings that did not either attend the meeting Tuesday or already contact me, please let me know by this Friday the 9th. There is a packet of information that needs to go home with any interested students regarding participation and instrument rental.

5th grade strings begins Monday Sept. 12th. All participating students should drop off their instruments, books, and stands in the music room that morning.

Thanks! -Mrs. Rodenberger

We hope you had a chance to read our first issue of The Weekly Word last Thursday. We will continue to send it home on Thursdays to keep families informed. We will also post it here on the Scoop. If your family regularly checks the Scoop and would like to 'Go Green,' please drop us a note and we can refrain from sending you the paper copy. If you or someone you know needs prayer for a specific reason please call Linda in the school office and we would be happy to add your request to the 'Prayer' section.

06 September 2011


Anyone with questions, ideas, or interest in being a part of and helping out with the 2011 St. Francis de Sales Annual Christmas Bazaar, please mark your calendar and plan on attending our 1st production meeting. The meeting will be on Tuesday September 20th at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. All parents, grandparents, Teachers are encouraged to come and find out what the Christmas Bazaar is all about, share your ideas, brainstorm for new ones and volunteer to help.

We hope to see you then. Any questions please call Mike @ 345-5625 or e-mail Joni @
Congratulations to the Cross country team on a sixth (6) place
finish at the Newcomerstown Invitational. The meet had 35 middle schools
represented with 126 runners in the girls race and 127 in the boys race.
Our next meet is Wednesday at Fairfield Union with a race start time of

02 September 2011

Tuesday's menu has been CHANGED to hot dogs and french fries as the main course.

Thursday's menu has been CHANGED to cheeseburgers.
Revised Yard Sale Flyer (please disregard previous version)

01 September 2011

The Weekly Word 9-01-11

Parent information meeting for students in grade 5 who are interested in the Strings program, and for students in grades 6-8 who would be new to the Strings program this year - Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 6:00pm, Conference Room A.